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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Results of our reader poll

Sausage Factory readers voted for their favorite Nevada journo who covers the legislature (#nvleg) full time:

Here are the results:

Congrats to Andrew Doughman for taking first place!

Side note: I'm gonna guess that our readers either 1. Don't care about polls 2. Don't care about journos covering #nvleg or 3. Don't live in Nevada

A few hundred people visited the blog in the past 12 hours, but as you can see, only 36 people voted in our poll.

I was going to do a post with several polling questions (best #nvleg tweeter, best #nvleg analysis, etc...) but it looks like TSF readers aren't really into polls.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I feel like a schlemiel because I didn't vote in time! ARGH! PLEASE MORE POLLS! It always takes time for new stuff to catch on, remember Kangols?

  2. Ha ha, point taken Derek.

    We'll work together and try something new in the future?

    Favorite gay activist?

    Favorite mixed activist?

    Most stylish activist?


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