
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tark thinks Blacks are stupid and will vote for him because of basketball

None of us at Team Sausage Factory have had the time to blog lately, but I had to write about what went down today.

Today perennial candidate Danny Tarkanian sat down with the editorial board of the Las Vegas Review Journal for a candidate interview. Conservative activist columnist Glenn Cook tweeted some highlights, including this gem:

The video hasn’t been made available yet, but there is no reason to believe Mr Cook took Mr Tarkanian’s words out of context or fully misquoted him. And as of now, the Tarkanian campaign has only tried to cover their ass, so safe to say, he said it. As a matter of fact, according to 8 News Now investigative reporter Nathan Baca, the campaign doubled down:

I wasn’t alone in being highly offended by his “if you dribble it, they will come” remarks, and I’m only half Black.

There was a flood of tweets, lots of facebook posts and Black elected Democrats and candidates sent out a joint release demanding an apology (No word yet if any Black elected Republicans will have there say, or if any exist).

At Hispanics in Politics last month he said Black people have been fooled into voting for Democrats, and he was here to help. You know, cause us colored folk are ignorant and child-like, lacking the sophistication to make important political decisions, thus we need the helpful hand of non-Blacks to keep us on the straight and narrow.

The Tarkanian campaign truly believes that because he played basketball and his dad led many a Black man to victory, that somehow that will lead Black folk in congressional district four to vote for him.

Do Black people love basketball so damn much, they're willing to totally forget that Mr Tarkanian is an aggressive supporter of the Tea Party (the same Tea Party the NAACP* said was racist) with policy positions that rival Sharron Angle’s?

Do Black people love basketball so much that they’re willing to overlook the fact that Mr Tarkanian thinks racial profiling is effective police work?

Do Black people love basketball so much that they won't care that Mr. Tarkanian's wife complained just yesterday about people tweeting about the Voting Rights Act?

Team Tarkanian thinks that answer is yes, because again: Team Tark thinks Black people are stupid.

 -- Laura

 *Yes, the President of the Las Vegas chapter of the NAACP endorsed Danny Tarkanian, that's the campaigns #OneBlackFriend defense. But this is the same NAACP chapter who is partnering with Americans for Prosperity and the same president who does business with the chair of the Republican party. I doubt many of the members even know their president supports Tarkanian; I talked to two today who were shocked and outraged when they found out.